Hi everyone!! So this is last ep of Alice and I decided to do a proper recap whilst I was watching the drama. Please give me feedback on how you would like recaps and any dramas that you would like to be recapped. Thank you in advance.
So Continuing on from ep 15, Seung jo finds out that it was his dad that could have
bough it from the EX-gf and he doesn't believe it. So lets starts the mission
to hunt down how it may have been bought by his dad, he checks his business
card folder goes to the place the painting is, finds out its been sold by the
person who said ‘it was my son’s work’ and then he runs to chairman's(dad) office,
and looks in his office and then opens a door and goes into another long
And then he walks the walk…Then after exhaling out to get his breath again he sees
it!! Dun dund udn daaaaaa ... but with the nice background music J
BUT the dad is like

for those of you who is curious how
the painting looked liked and how it was kinda of based around it for the last
ep and probably the first part of this ep too.
And then he flashbacks to the moments when he said he was
thankful to the person and when he was talking to Se kyung about why she couldn't work hard and become successful rather than the White rabbit route. And
how Se kyung said….
Then the after the flashback..someone says ‘Seunjo ya~’ its
his dad and then he says..
omg how much evidence does he need to drill this into his head… I hate it when dramas long out these kinda thing when they can have more I dunno sorting out the romance conflict and more comedic happy / action scenes?BUT the dad is like
And then seunjo is like Paris exhibition 2008.
And his like why? Why did you buy my painting?
Anyway so them two talk about their emotional process of
getting close to each other and then we jump to Ex-gf situation, basically i'm
not going to explain her situation that much but the chance her rich husband
gave her she rejected it cooly.
And walked out walking the proud walk unlike sueng jo breathless walk..
And walked out walking the proud walk unlike sueng jo breathless walk..
I am actually happy
for her she’s finally out of the mean rich family and she can be happy. To be
honest I was talking about this with A/Ninja and we both agreed that in this
drama she was more like a nice example of how the life is of a person who went
through the kind of white rabbit route and she is not the evil role that we
might see in many love triangle rich dramas. The evil minor role in this drama
would be the Husband Ex-husbands’ sister.
anyway so on the way out she met the person we were just
talking about, and she thinks that they got the business deal again. And Ex-Gf
laughs (IN your face!!) and Ex-Gf says ‘Go
cheer up your brother’
I am just totally absolutely happy for the Ex-gf character
sure she was a b I mean very not nice with Seung Jo but that was in the past.
This time I can see she’s genuinely happy.
Anyway then some more scenes including Seunjo dreaming about
his mom, and then seunjo saying I love you, and I miss you etc. He wakes up to
find its a dream but Se kyung is at his house but only difference is that she breaks up with him. And leaves and
seungjo is like ‘she broke everything, as well as my last fantasy’.
Anyway New day, same old blank face of Sekyung. And she is
going to a job interview, and coincidentally Seungjo is having a meeting for job
applicants meeting too and coincidentally Se kyung with a different surname resume is in
the pile of other resumes. LOL and after the interview he asks the girl
questions about what did she do after graduating etc basically linking
everything the the real se kyung had said .
Meanwhile, at real sekyung’s interview place, the people see that she has done work at GN fasion and Sekyung doesn’t stop there she’s like I also worked as a stylist and shows her portfolio of sketches.
And then *whisper whisper* among the two people and OMG the criteria ticks they put under D changes into all A's
Wahh daebak!! So this is how rich people work.. the work industry is a scary scary world L I really hope this isn't reality…. I mean for all people who want to be fashion designers arghh frustration Anyway so its all good for sekyung and she says 'even after the break up she is still using seung jo’
But a good thing is Cha seung jo is also using the experience that he gained from the Se kyung, his going to give the girl pass cause you
know he has a conscious now….
Say LALALALALALALAAAA ,I say HOla You say LULU!! (Tadah It’s
B.A.P) Sorry umm.. I kind of went blank on what to write next....Small random break.
He has mixed up parts of reality into his dream….Even I am
confused what was his dream and reality. And I have come to a conclusion that
the dream he thought he had was reality and the reality he thought that
happened was the dream.. OR was it both of them mixed. (After watchiung everything I found out it was both of them mixed) SO OMG this is totally unexpected!!!
He then leaves and goes to Se kyung's house to kind of do a search because in his supposed dream Sekyung had a a sketch book with evidence to prove her love and he finds it when he goes into her house, Se kyung is at work so its his sister who opened the door.
He then leaves and goes to Se kyung's house to kind of do a search because in his supposed dream Sekyung had a a sketch book with evidence to prove her love and he finds it when he goes into her house, Se kyung is at work so its his sister who opened the door.
TO be continued in Part 2~~~~
MOng O~~
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